Thankfully everything has been going well! Last week one of our older chickens had passed. It was really sad. I’m not sure what had happened.

Our plants have been growing in the buckets. I have to admit that I’m excited to see what happens. I’m also a little nervous in that I have caught not only the goats in the green house but the chickens too.

A couple of the plants I have noticed are missing flowers or had a steam broken off. I haven’t seen the goats go in there lately but I have caught a few chickens.

It’s going to be really interesting to see what happens. I have never planted in buckets or this late in the season before!

I posted a video on our channel today of how the garden is doing in the green house. The plants have grown so much since I had put the video together. It was supposed to have gone out last week but because of the passing of the chicken I decided to wait until this week. I think next week I’m going to post an update since the plants have grown so much!

In the video I state we have a pea plant…but I think it’s actually a zucchini plant 😅. I wasn’t sure what pepper plants were what when I was planting them and I don’t know what plants are squash or cucumber 😬. Next year we are going to work on labels.

That’s all I’m going to write in this post for today! Thanks for reading and please check out the video.