At first glance male and female pekin ducks look a lot a like! They are both all white with yellowish orange beaks and feet!
Below is a picture of my three pekin ducks! I have one male and two females. The male duck is the one on the left.

The biggest give away on a pekin duck’s gender is their quack. Males have a softer quack while the female’s quack is loud.
With my ducks I have also noticed that the male duck has a bigger head and a darker beak than the females’.
Male pekin ducks will also grow curly tail feathers. Unfortunately, my pekin will only get one curly feather. Since I have lots of roosters they like to sometimes pull the feathers out of the duck. Don’t worry the duck pulls out their feather too!

On our video someone had mentioned that the male has a broader tail while the females’ are more pointed.
A lot of the times the females walk behind the male duck. They will do a bobbing motion with their head while quacking.
Check out our video to hear the ducks’ different quacks and to see what the females do behind the male duck. Pretty interesting!
June 16, 2024 at 9:40 am
Thanks on the information!