Happy Friday! Can’t believe it’s already that time again! Feels like I just posted the ‘Friday on the Backyard Farm’ post!

The chicken with water belly has been doing good! If you missed the last post, I talked about how we were going to use a needle to drain the fluid. It was a success! Her butt has remained a ‘normal’ size. I have the water belly post pending right now. I have to make a couple of edits and will post it.

Ducklings are doing good! They are growing fast. They are losing their cute yellow fluff. 😭 Here is a picture of two below.


We have four ducks. Right now I’m 100% sure we have 2 females. I’m hoping for one more female and then one male but we will see! With pekins it’s hard to tell when they are young because they look so much alike but as they get older their quacks will give away their gender. You can read more about female vs male pekin ducks here!

When it’s nice outside, they have been going out! They are getting too big in my office. I had been putting trash bags down for them to walk around on to get a break from their brooder but they manage to poo off the bags and they try to get into the water dishes which gets water everywhere! There is one in particular that has to be in the water all the time. 😩

We are working on an enclosure for them and our other ducks to go in.

One of our other ducks was attacked by 2 roosters that we had brought home during winter. She almost lost her eye. Before her eye had gotten swollen and I thought the eye had been poked out. We tended to the eye. However, now her eye looks fine but I don’t know if she has regained all the sight yet. I did notice her looking at me with that eye unless she was looking at something else with the other eye. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.

Our garden is still in the works on paper 😂. I did pull some weeds the other day. There are so many more weeds to pull in the garden area. Who else loves pulling weeds? I do not! 😅 I think we came up with a number of plants and what type we are going to plant! We are definitely trying to be more thoughtful and planned out for this year. Usually I plant a bunch of seeds and then try to plant all the plants. Not year!

I’m still working on the website behind the scenes! The first section I’m working on is the ‘Animal’ section! I have several posts in the works that will fall under the animal category.

I posted a new youtube shorts video of our noisy hen. Be sure to check that out!

Pastry Strudel loves talking. Kids named her 😂

Thanks for reading! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Here in Virginia looks like we will have some beautiful weather with days in the 70s 🤩!