Happy Friday!
July is the month we adopted Jedi and Hercules was born on July 4th! I love posting these pictures of them in their 4th of July hats 😍. Too cute!

Below are are a few pictures of our baby chickens growing up! Sadly, 3 of our rhode islands and 1 leg horn have disappeared. I’m guessing it is the fox. Last year we had several chickens snatched by fox since they liked to be in the forest or right by the forest line and I’m assuming the same happened to the chickens we are missing this year. We free range the chickens and ducks every day but having them snatched is part of it unfortunately.

Gardening is not working out too good this year! I had planted a lot of plants in the garden and found most had been eaten or ripped up. Now it’s just engulfed with weeds. I kept one area weed free, planting two large tomato plants that we bought at the market. They are bearing fruit but guess who is jumping in there to eat the tomatoes when they begin to ripen!? The chickens. One tomato plant has began to have dead leaves on it which is weird. We were given two more tomato plants and even though both were planted and were doing just fine, one died.
I had lettuce, celery, pepper, and several loofah plants growing until Hercules knocked the table over. I lost several plants.
Here are my two surviving loofahs plants below. The one on the right doesn’t look like it’s doing too good. I think having it topple over traumatized it.

They are in 5 gallon buckets now. When they get a bit bigger I will move the buckets into the garden so the plants can crawl up the fence.
We’ve been supporting others growing locally! Next year I will have a garden but things will be different.
Not too much more has been going on….besides it’s been hot with some rain and storms here and there! We have a couple of watermelons, so I will get video of the goats eating watermelon! Only two of the goats would eat it. I’ll have to see if the others will try some! I hope so!
Thank you reading, have a great weekend!
February 16, 2024 at 1:46 am
Thank you for sharing this article with me.