What we all have been waiting for… the update on the rock candy! Behold…

I also took a picture of it with my hand because it is so small 😂. The other two jars I had just don’t count because the rock candy on those skewers are even smaller.

Here is a picture of the rock candy before I took it out. There are a lot of crystals that formed on the bottom. I had to take a butter knife and hack at the top and bottom around the crystal on the skewer. I’m thinking a small glass and maybe the sugar and water ratio needs to be adjusted. 🤔 Anyhow, this is how it looked at 2 weeks though.

Here are some of the herbs, trees, and bushes. The far right is the raspberry bush but it’s a stick so not much to look at 😂. Hopefully it will root and grow.

Most of what I had planted in the garden area had been uprooted. I’m suspecting chickens but I had seen a hole in the ground that I don’t think a chicken would make. I do have more plants to be planted but I will wait until they are a lot bigger before putting them in the garden. I will also probably plant more seeds and just buy plants at the market. I do have two large tomato plants in the garden that we had picked up at the farmers market a couple of weeks ago. They are growing with little flowers already!
This is all I have. Thankfully all animals are doing well! Thanks for reading, have a great weekend! 😊