I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We did, we saw family and then cooked our own turkey the day after. For me, it’s not Thanksgiving unless we eat left overs for a few days πŸ˜‚.

Also I LOVE making broth from the turkey carcass. I can get two batches from a turkey. I’ll freeze the broth to use later in recipes.

My herb plants aren’t doing so well. I actually lost the Rosemary, Basil, and Mint πŸ˜ͺ. The mint is struggling, but is probably gone. The cilantro is hanging on. I’m thinking the plants didn’t get enough sun so I ordered them a grow light which arrived today. I don’t know much about these, I have seen other people use different kind of grow lights. This one will attach to something to keep it up right. It’s not very big. I have a picture below. It has octopus ‘arms’ basically. πŸ™

Open photo

I will be able to move the ‘arms’ and position it however I want. Hopefully I can help the cilantro.

I set up the light and the cord is really short so I need to get an extension cord. It’s in a temporary spot now. We will see if this works, so more to come on the grow light!

Lets move on to some good news. Our pekin drake is doing a lot better. He was limping a whole lot, not really walking for many weeks. I couldn’t find anything wrong with his foot, leg, or hip. I’m thinking he must have pulled a muscle. He is getting more mobile the last couple of days, the limping is decreasing. Hoping he makes a full recovery real soon!

That’s basically all that’s going on right now. We haven’t seen the fox anymore. Not sure if he moved on. The neighbors down the street have gotten another rooster I think. I hear him crow in the morning back and forth with our roosters. They had one before and then he went quiet so I think the fox had gotten that one or they made him stew. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Anyways, I love hearing the crowing because you know all is well and there is no predator.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!