I finally put frozen mashed potatoes to the test. I have never done this before! However, 2020 has been a CRAZY year. I’m finally getting to things on my to do list.

Question you are wondering, did the frozen mashed potatoes come out? I can proudly say YES, yes they did!

I didn’t do anything special to have it come out great. I made a huge batch of mashed potatoes. I don’t have a set recipe for them. I just add milk, butter, salt, and pepper.

After adding in the ingredients, I allowed the mashed potatoes to cool. Once they cooled down, I divided the mashed potatoes into a freezer bag. I just scooped enough in each one that I thought would be enough for a meal or two.

I did not have enough freezer bags so I ended up using 2 regular ziploc bags. When putting the mashed potatoes in a bag, make sure you get out as much air as you can. I semi flatten the smashed potatoes, smoothing the bag, getting out the air. Then I roll the smashed potatoes, folding the bag underneath it. I then close the bag.

I place the bag into another bag, getting out as much air. Close it. Make sure you write with permanent marker on the outside of the bag of what it is. Place into the freezer.

Below is my stash of freezer goodies: Mashed potatoes, chopped potatoes, turkey and ham meat, broth, and ham bone.

Now comes the time to thaw out the mashed potatoes!

I placed my bag in the microwave, pushed the defrost button. Once the mashed poatoes became squishy in the bag, I took it out and squeezed it to break up any frozen parts. I placed this back into the microwave, pushing the defrost button. I want to say it took 30 minutes. I did this while I prepped my other items for dinner. This didn’t bother me.

The mashed potatoes came out like I had cooked them on the stove top! That’s how smooth they were! The texture was right now! My family and I didn’t notice a difference.

I’m thinking it would be less time if I had placed it into a freezer tupperware bowl and then actually microwaved it, stirred, and microwaved.

Have you ever gotten or seen the frozen mashed potatoes at the store? They are in a plastic bowl, have a clear plastic on top. You just either pull back the plastic half way or make a slit on the top, placing into the microwave. Usually microwave for about 3 minutes, stir, microwave for a couple of minutes. Let it sit for a minute. Usually those only take about 5 minutes. That’s really ideal! I’m going to have to try a freezer tupperware and see how that turns out.