Chickens and family fun!

Category Chickens

Winterizing the Coop

Getting the coop ready for winter!

Moving Chicks Outside | Putting Chicks with Older Chickens

Putting the chicks into their outside brooder!

What we use for Livestock Bedding

Here’s the bedding that we utilize to make our animals more comfortable.

Treating Eye Injury for Chickens and Ducks

What we use to treat eye injuries and infections in ducks and chickens.

Building a Chicken Coop (on our Deck!)

We built a chicken coop on our deck for a couple of of roosters!

Friday on the Backyard Farm #24

I feel bad that this post is what I’m posting especially since I didn’t put anything up last week.

Treating a Chicken with Respiratory Infection | Treating Congestion and Cough in a Chicken

Our treatment for a congested chicken.

Can Chicks be with Adult Chickens?

We have had our chicks with the older chickens for 2 weeks now!

Chicken with Swollen Eye and Wattles

Doris the chicken’s eye was swollen along with her wattles! Poor chicken!

The Danger of Railings with Chickens

I never thought railings could pose a danger but they do!

How Much Does It Cost to Raise Chicks?

Wondering how much it cost to raise chicks? Check this out!

Garlic Water Recipe

Making garlic water is simple.

Getting The Animals Up At Night

Here’s our nightly routine in getting the animals up.

Walking Backwards Chicken

What is a possible cause that makes a chicken walk backwards!?

Chickens Crossing the Road…Literally

Sometimes chickens go too far and cross the road. How we deal with it and my suggestions.

Living With Multiple Roosters

Our journey with multiple roosters…

Prolapse Vent

Read about what a prolapse vent is and how we dealt with it.

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