Our plants are growing, growing, growing! It’s exciting to see many of them thriving! However, looks like some haven’t popped out yet. Fingers crossed. If not, we still have many plants!

Jacob is working hard on building nesting boxes. Now if the weather would cooperate then it would go faster! One day, it’s 70° degree and sunny, the next it’s 50°, freezing cold and raining! He’s constructing several boxes that we can place around the yard.

Jacob working hard with the goats napping.
Blackie thinks the boxes are meant for her!

More pictures to come of the nesting boxes!

Since Quackers was hit and killed, the animals have been staying away from the road and more in the backyard. I guess this also has to do with all the rain we have been having and the fact that the lawn mower broke down. Long grass means more bugs and seeds, I guess? 🤷‍♀️

Our property has 7 roosters. WOW! Yes, I know. I never thought we’d have that many. With the roosters we have been having small fights here and there. For the most part they stay away from each other. I will go more into this topic on another post. What I did want to bring up is that these 2 roosters below. Chungus (left) and Marshmallow (right).

Both of these attacked me. Marshmallow did it twice. However, on the third attempt I was able to shove him back with my leg. Since then, he has never tried to attack me again. Chungus on the other hand attacked me but he’s not as scary since he has no spurs. I’m giving Chungus benefit of the doubt in that I think he was trying to say “HURRY up with the food, Pam. I don’t want to wait all night!”. I was putting them up, but can’t exactly walk quickly to their pen since chickens like to walk in front of my feet and stop. Annoying. That’s what happened when he attacked me. Now I just kind of throw a little feed towards the pen, allowing him and his gang to run before me.

That’s it for this week! Thanks for stopping by!

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