Woo, it’s Friday! Not too much has been going on since the last post, thankfully! This will be a short post.
Some of the seeds are sprouting! We have peas, tomatoes, lettuce, kale sprouting! My plants in buckets are sprouting! Last year, I did several herbs in buckets and a couple of raspberry bushes! One of the raspberry bushes has really grown! I’m waiting to see if my second raspberry bush grows because something pulled a large part off the second raspberry bush when it was still a little stick in the bucket. Then towards the end of the season I had a few leaves that grew from a small part of the stick that was remaining. I’m sure a chicken was the culprit. I’m hoping that second one will sprout! Fingers crossed!

Momma D the duck is no longer sitting on eggs. None of the eggs ever hatched. We’ve been trying to encourage her to make friends with the new ducks. Once in a while they will sit by each other but one of the new female ducks likes to ‘nibble’ on her head. Below is a picture of 2 of the new ducks and Momma D to the left. Also, Momma D is not getting around too well so we are keeping an eye on her.

The chicks are now fully outside! We have a a spot for them that is connected to a larger coop. We let the older chickens out then allow the chicks out into the coop’s run to get their energy out. Below is a picture of them. It’s hard to see but there is a door into their area so they can go in and out. We have a total of 18 chicks.

Below is a picture of the chicks going through the door into their space.

Below is another picture of where they can snuggle in the shavings on the left or roost on the right.

I’m going to put together a short video of them in their space. It’s hard to see everything in the pictures.
That is it for now! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend! 😊
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