Much has been going on since the last ‘Friday on the Backyard Farm’ post! I finally got published ‘Treating Flystrike‘ on chickens. I have been working on behind the scenes of the website in making it more organized!

I have gotten the vegetable seeds planted! This year we have: beef steak tomato, sweet pepper, cucumber, squash, egg plant, sweet peas, and green beans. I have also planted spinach, kale, and three types of lettuce: black seed , butter crunch, and red salad bowl. These seeds are from a pack of seeds that I opened last year so hopefully they are okay! Fingers crossed😬. I plan on buying vegetable plants that I don’t have seeds for: cherry tomato, zucchini, green pepper, and jalapeno.

I also plan to plant seeds for several different herbs. The pack of herb seeds I have has many different types of seeds but no rosemary. 😨 I don’t even know how that is possible but in the pack there is anise, arugula, and savory which I have never used! Don’t know if I will plant those or not.

A while back I bought a kiwi tree and a strawberry plant in boxes from Tractor Supply. Below is the picture. I made a plan to add these to my ‘bucket garden’. Kiwi plant is fine, but the strawberry plant stem is missing πŸ˜‘. Right now I suspect the cat had something to do with its disappearance. However, it could have been a chicken since they come in to lay eggs. The cat likes to chew on things sometimes. I’m not sure if the whole strawberry plant is now done and over or if it can still be planted. We will see!

We went on a shopping spree. We bought chicks and a fridge. 🀣 Since we got the chicks first, we took them to see the fridges. Who knew that chicks could be a personal shopper πŸ˜‚.

Chick advising us if this is a good fridge not 🀭

A couple of pictures below are of the chicks enjoying the outside when the weather was nice! Hopefully they will go outside into the big coop soon!

The ducks are no longer ducklings! They grew way TOO fast! A little bit more growth and they will be as big as an adult. We are still working on their permanent pen. Last post we weren’t sure how many males and females we had but now we know! 2 males and 2 females.

one of the ‘baby’ ducks

We have one last pekin duck from our previous batch of ducks. We allowed her to sit on a few chicken eggs so hopefully she will hatch those soon! She’s in the milk house right now under the milking stand, pictured below.

Momma D sitting on eggs

The momma duck moves the nest around sometimes. It actually started off over to the left of the milking stand, and slowly moved it all the way to the right underneath the ramp.

Have we introduced the new ducks to the momma duck? We sure did and they are not friends. I’m not sure if it’s because she is broody or if she is unhappy with them. She gets along fine with our muscovy and mallard mix ducks! Hopefully they will all be friends or at least tolerate each other! Now I have noticed with the baby ducks. 1 male is with the 2 females and the other male is just lagging behind sometimes. I hope that one male might become friends with the momma duck. I’ll keep you posted on the duck drama!

The chicken that has the water belly is still doing good, but you can see that she is slowly filling up with fluid again. I should be releasing a post on that in just a few days!

One last thing before I close this post, our cat caught a lizard. Not only did she catch a lizard but a leaf too. I think when she let the lizard go it was still a live! I couldn’t find it after. Hopefully it ran off.

Thank you for reading! I hope everyone has a great weekend!