Happy Friday! Or should I say happy HOT friday. Here in Virginia it will be going up to the high 90s today and tomorrow 😱. While I’m ready for warmer weather, I’m not ready for hot weather 😭.

The other night while putting up the chickens for the night, I noticed an isa brown missing. We just had one go missing some weeks ago but we found evidence she was taken because there were feathers everywhere. I was 100% sure it was a fox. I was proved right when a fox showed up while I was putting the animals up. Below I have a picture from our security camera… sorry it’s not great! You can see the fox to the left of the screen and I’m to the right.

Me watching the fox watching the chickens and ducks

Fast forward to this week I saw we were missing an isa brown chicken. So our family formed our search team to see if we could find feathers or the chicken anywhere. Nothing. The chicken had disappeared with out a trace. We have had a hawk that comes around, supposedly they can snatch a chicken and there will be no trace but I hadn’t seen the hawk for a while.

The next day we started to outline our property to put up a fence. We are hoping to get it done soon but we have to research everything from how much fencing we need to how much it will be. Low and behold when we were figuring out how much fencing we would need the ‘lost’ isa brown reappeared. I have no idea where she came from. She seemed like she was in broody mode though. Her feathers were fluffed and making clucking noises. I still have no idea where her hiding spot is. I hope the fox doesn’t know either 😬 .

I’m working on a new experiment…rock candy. It’s basically 3 cups sugar to 1 cup water. I used a pickle jar which you can see below. The jar is too big. I need to use smaller jars. I have a bamboo skewer being held up by a cloth pin which you can’t see. Making rock candy can take up to 2 weeks. 😱 Once it’s formed I’ll post a picture of it. Right now you can see it ‘crystalizing’ on the bottom and top. Nonetheless, it’s still exciting.

I took some pictures of the chicks yesterday and the hens had to photobomb!

Thank you for reading and have a great weekend!