These past couple of months have been rough! After we lost our pekin duck, we lost some more animals.

One night in February, we had a storm roll through. It was hard to sleep because of the howling wind and thunder. Once all was calm, I heard faint squawking. We got up, went outside and found a chicken on the ground with her head in a possom’s mouth! After getting the possom out of the coop, we brought the chicken in. She died two days later.

The last day of February, we noticed our goat buck wasn’t acting right. We let him out of his pen, he walked a little, browsed, laid down for a few minutes and then went back into his goat house. Not like him at all, but we didn’t notice anything else off about him. The next day, he wouldn’t get up. After calling several places we finally found a vet that would look at him. We drove about 2 hours away. Ended up having urinary stones and died the next day.

Then after that we had a chicken that wasn’t acting right. When I fed and put the chickens up for the night, I saw the hen hunched over and not moving. I believe she had sour crop. I massaged her crop, got her to ‘throw up’ liquid and put her on her perch at night. The next day, she was walking around some. She seemed better. I planned to massage her crop again that night. It ended up snowing during the day and when it came time to put the chickens up, she was no where to be found.

Two days pass by, we found her dead in the bushes.

It’s been about two weeks, everyone has been doing good. The rosemary, basil, and green onion are still alive! We just started planting seeds in containers. Right now the containers are in my office!

We pulled the green house cover off since we have had some really windy days! We are also going to mend it. Almost all the window coverings were ripped off by the animals. I’m not sure if we’ll put it back up and I make the mends. Right now as I’m typing this, the weather is cold. It will be in the 50s for the next few days then to the 70s. Crazy weather!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy your weekend!