Happy Friday! I can’t believe we have had a couple of days in the 60s. In fact tomorrow will be 66°! At night the temp drops, becoming very cold! We don’t have too much longer until spring, thank goodness! However, we have been enjoying the warm days! We went to a park, walked some trails, had a picnic! It was very windy, but we all managed not to fly away.
The beginning of this week it was very cold and raining. Unfortunately, our male pekin duck died in the beginning of the week. 😪 He seemed like his usual self in the morning, afternoon, and early evening. The temperature had dropped some and rained during the day,. When it was time to put the animals up, the duck wasn’t moving much. I brought him in and he passed. In case you are new, he had been having a problem with limping for several months. For a period of time during the months, he was walking just fine. I don’t know if that had something to do with his passing or not. We plan to get more pekin ducks in the spring. I had been hoping to hatch ducklings, especially since our drake had such a good personality. Hopefully, we will get another good male duck.
That’s the bads news, so onto some good news. I had gotten a couple of herb plants a couple of weeks ago: rosemary and basil. I’m happy to report, they are doing just fine! I have the pictures below. They are still in the original container for now.

I do have 2 cilantros and several green onions that I have been growing in water. I bought a bushel of cilantro and put two stems in water. I have one of the cilantro’s below and also the green onions.

The green onions all have growing roots. The cilantro have no roots yet.
I got a cutting from the apple and fig tree. I have never trimmed the fruit trees before to grow roots from the stems. In the past, someone gave us a fig tree stem and we were able to root it (before the kids and goats killed it).

I just literally cut the stems today so hopefully they take root!
I should be ordering seeds next week for the garden. I do aim to get heirloom seeds. We have to make a decision on what we want to get, so I’ll let yall know how that goes in another post!
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great weekend!
February 12, 2022 at 3:25 pm
Sorry to hear about your pekking duck! I know how it is.
Good to hear you got good herbs getting started and getting ready for Spring too.
Hope everything continues to “grow”, nicely for you!
Loves reading your posts!