Happy Friday! Can’t believe in just a couple of weeks it will be Thanksgiving and we are heading into Fall and then Winter. 😱

I wish I could say it has been pretty quiet around here. We’ve been dealing with a fox again. However, the fox hasn’t gotten any chickens. We did shoot at it and haven’t seen it since, which was a few days ago.

We lost our oldest hen last week. She was 6 years old. Not sure if it was old age, heart attack, or something else. She was pretty big, perhaps overweight from age? πŸ€” She wasn’t as fast as the others but she ran to get food. The picture below is her a couple of years ago.

She did hatch chicks over the summer and unfortunately lost all of them but 1 to a snake. 😭 However, she ended up adopting the other hen who got taken by a fox the next day! When she passed the babies were already independent, meaning not following her around or roosting by her. Basically like teens aka young adults.

We’ve had the hawk visit a couple of times. Thankfully, the crows have chased the hawk off two different times! Seems like a crow or crows sound off the alert, a few of them gather and go after the hawk. It’s pretty amazing team work! We haven’t gotten video of it since it happens so fast! Hopefully one day I can get a video it!

Wasn’t Hercules so cute as a puppy? I placed a hard hat on his head πŸ˜… for the ‘under construction’. I’m going to be working on this website to make it more organized. I have learned quite a few skills and I’m ready to use them! I don’t know what pages will be going down. I think I will try to just make new pages and then take the other ones down or so on. We will see 😬.

I bought four herb plants: basil, rosemary, mint, and cilantro. I will be keeping these inside. I have to decide exactly where I want to put them. I think I will be getting more plants like dill, thyme, sage, etc. I’m hoping to learn how to do cooking with them along with dehydrating. However, keeping them alive is top on my list.

That’s it for now! Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend. πŸ₯°