Happy Friday once again!! I am sure glad that it’s the weekend again. Last weekend started off great but took a sharp turn when Little Roo became unwell, then passed away on Saturday. I’ll post more on the bottom because it’s a little gross.
We had gotten a lot of rain last week. One day it had rained ALL day causing the backyard and front yard to look like a lake almost. I don’t think we’ve ever had that much rain before. However, the ducks loved it and so did the garden!

Our garden has grown so much! You can check out our garden video before it became this massive! I did take video of garden, I should be getting it up next week! We have several squash growing and a tomato!
Our herbs in the green house haven’t been doing so well. We only have 2 herb plants… I believe one is a chive and the other is basil.

I had replanted all the herbs. I believe the chickens had gone into the green house, ate all the seeds that were planted. We do have new little plants popping up!
The goats have been into the green house. I had planted 2 black berry bushes and 2 raspberry bushes. Guess what. 2 of the bushes are gone. The goats have ripped them out of the buckets.
Now I’ll talk about Little Roo. As I said in the beginning of the post it had rained one day, the whole day. That night I noticed Little Roo seemed a little off. The next day, he didn’t seem any better, he seemed the same. I did some gardening in the green house so I brought him in since he was walking around in the backyard and it was beginning to sprinkle. He seemed really lethargic. We ended up going off that day for a few hours. When we got back, Jacob and my son, Abe, found Little Roo in even worse shape. I wasn’t out there but joined later which Little Roo had already passed away. Abe thinks that Little Roo had sour crop because he was throwing up.
There were maggots on the ground where we were trying to help Little Roo. When we went to bury him, I noticed there were maggots on his side under his wing. I’m wondering if it was flystrike. This is where flies lay eggs on an animal.
I had picked up Little Roo a couple of times that morning and didn’t notice any maggots, but then again I didn’t look under his wings. He shared the coop with another chicken, Roo Roo, but that chicken is perfectly fine. I would think if one chicken had it the other would too.
Little Roo was a very nice rooster. I’m really sad that this had happened to him. This is just apart of owning livestock.

Thanks for reading! I’m sorry to end on a sad note. I hope you have a great weekend.
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