My boys received a basket full of candy from the Easter Bunny on Easter. However, something wasn’t quite right. The hollow chocolate bunnies they receive every year were MELTED this year. I mean they were like pancakes. See below. 😱

We all got a good laugh out of it. At least the Easter Bunny delivered the basket. Who knows what happened to the hollow chocolate bunnies. The kids say the Easter Bunny’s assistant sat on them. 😳 It could be possible.

Then the question was….what to do with the flatten chocolate bunnies? 🤔 Tradition for us is to fill the chocolate bunny with milk and drink it.

Zeke, my youngest son, came up with a great idea! He put the flatten chocolate bunny into a cup and microwaved for a few seconds.

Microwave the chocolate bunny (minus the peep)

He added milk and melted the bunny even more, then stirred. This caused the milk to become chocolate milk! Lastly, add the peep on top. Enjoy! 😋

I know this post is kind of silly!! 🤣 Hopefully you found it humorous! I thought this may also be a great way to reconcile the problem of the Easter Bunny delivering flatten, melted hollow chocolate bunnies so I wanted to share!