Happy Friday everyone!! Wow it has been a crazy couple of months. I saw that my post on my crockpot meal experience has not posted yet! It was a ‘scheduled’ post where it would post on the day and time I selected, but it never got posted! I’m not surprised with the way things have been going.

We’ve had a lot of doctor appointments in February and craziness leading up into March. We have had our power go out one day, the internet go out another day, at my job the server went down, got a flat tire on my birthday 😩. We had gotten new iphones and have discovered my photos and videos are not uploading to the laptop. We’ve had lots and lots of rain where the backyard is a doo doo slush. Yes a doo doo slush. We had gotten about 3 to 4 inches of snow in February which was surprising because last year we hardly got any snow!! Last night we just had lots of rain along with a short thunder storm.

There have been some other issues as well but some good things are happening too! I went ahead and edited a video on my iphone, uploading it to youtube. I’ll post the link at the bottom. I feel like I will never take Adobe Premiere Element Video Editor for granted again. I use the editor on my laptop mainly but since I couldn’t get the pictures and videos to transfer over, I edited it on my phone. It’s not easy editing on a phone, especially when you have to do a lot of cutting, trimming, and turning videos. If I had known I wouldn’t be able to upload the videos, I would have been more careful on what I was videoing and how I was recording. 😅

Egg production is up! I really believe the chickens and ducks lay when the weather is better. We’ve had some really nice days inbetween the rain and after the snow. We’ve gone from being in the 30s to the 60s to the 40s. Right now it’s 46 then it will be in the 60s next week. Yikes! I’m ready for warm weather every day! Since we have so many eggs, I was thinking of trying to make chicken treats. I’m not sure exactly how I will make them but I would love to incorporate eggs into it! I had tried to sell eggs a couple of years ago and no one was interested.

We got the custom URL for youtube! Yay. Now it’s youtube .com/redwhiteandspeckled without the spaces. Getting a custom URL is a big mile stone since that means we hit 100 subscribers! We are actually a little over as I’m typing this. It might change though! You never know with youtube…strange things happen on there. 😬

Like I promised, the youtube video link is below! Please check it out. Feel free to comment on here or on the video! I will be posting my crock pot experience next week! Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a great day!