Yay! It’s Friday! I don’t know about you but for me the weeks have flown by! It seems like it will be Monday then Tuesday then POOF! Friday!

We’ve had some excitement around here! The kids had their first week back to school this week. Monday had been a snow day since it snowed. Then Tuesday it was a 2 hour delay. Friday is a virtual day for our kids and then next week it will be a virtual learning week.

Our pekin ducks are in the picture above! I always find it entertaining watching the ducks walk around in snow. The picture shows we didn’t get a ton of snow!

Besides the snow and kids finally going back to school, we have had other things going on around here!

We had a fuse blow or go out in the house. We decided to go ahead and write down all the fuses and which lights they controlled.

We had one our of does, Ava, break into the boy goats’ pen. Jacob had thought he sealed up the hole but it didn’t last long. When I went to let the animals out I found our buck, BB8’s horns stuck through the link fence. 😱 I was scared I wasn’t going to be able to get him unstuck. I was also afraid he was going to make his house fall on top of us as I tried to get him out. However, I was able to get him unstuck! I think he was grateful, then he ran out of the pen.

I left his pen door open. We leave open the pen door of the goats that are out in case dogs come onto the property so they can run back and hide in their goat house. I didn’t think much of where he had been stuck. Well it ended up that was the very spot that Ava had broken through and Jacob had ‘sealed’ it.

Not long after that, almost all the girl goats got out of the pen and were running around with BB8. Calendars are marked for babies. 😭 I have heard it doesn’t take goats long but I think they were only together for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Besides that our green house is still holding up real well! When we did get some snow, at the end of the day, I smacked the inside of the roof to knock off the snow. When I had read reviews on the green house, a lot of people actually put another cover over it but we didn’t.

The last exciting thing to happen was my laptop wouldn’t connect to the internet for THREE days! Three days! I tried to figure it out. Watched several videos and couldn’t get the wifi to work on it. Jacob worked on it for an hour and got it to work! However, he doesn’t remember! I’m thankful to have the internet again!

Also when I was looking through pictures I found a picture that I didn’t post about. I actually forgot about it but TA DA:

I saw this on Christmas day! Some how a deer leg fell in our front yard. I’m guessing it fell off someone’s truck!? Or maybe someone threw it out their window!? 🤔 . Just bizarre!

That’s it for now! I will have a youtube video and recipe being released next week! Please subscribe to the youtube channel and to our site’s mailing list to get updates when I post! It’s down at the bottom of the home page to the right!

Thanks so much for reading! Enjoy the weekend!