Last weekend we had a chicken pass. I wrote in a post a couple of weeks ago about her not eating. I had gotten her to eat raw egg which she seemed to do better but then I found her laying in a corner by the house while putting up the other chickens for the night. I brought her in, making her comfortable but she wouldn’t eat or drink. She passed the next day. She was the chicken that stole a stuff animal at a family party. Unfortunately, it happens!

All the turkey is gone! I had made two batches of broth from the bones. Making turkey broth is SUPER easy! Making turkey broth is the same as chicken broth. The only difference is I split the bones into two pots! Worked out great! I bagged the broth, placing it into the freezer! Don’t worry I made sure that I labeled the bags turkey broth 😅. Comes in handy to have the permanent marker standing by at the time of bagging.

A lot of the plants are dying in the green house! It is so sad to see all those vegetable plants wither away. It would have been awesome to heat the green house but I have no way of doing that! That might be a project for the far off future though.

Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend 😊