Last week I had been battling with sinus headaches, congestion, runny nose. UGH! This week I have had a slight stuffy nose so I have been better!

I had posted a video last week on our vegetables growing in the green house and a possible predator! Thankfully we had cameras up and saw the ‘predator’. I’ll admit it was hard to see but after watching the footage again, I believe the predator was a rabbit. However, we haven’t seen it since so that is great!

I had a piece of tomato plant break off. I did put it into wet soil but the next day it was limp. I brought it into the house, put it into a cup of water. Next day, the tomato plant had perked up. About three days later, I changed the water. Next day after changing the water, there were roots!! See below!

Absolutely amazing that tomato plants have the ability to grow roots from a broken stem. 🥰 This will become a new plant. I am tempted to plant it into a bucket inside the house.

I worked on a video the other day on free ranging our livestock. I’m also writing a post to go with it! If you are new here, we live on an acre and try to free range our livestock every day!

Our mysterious plant in the backyard is still growing. Haven’t seen it produce anything yet. I’m still thinking it’s a pumpkin plant. Check out the last post for more information on the plant!

Thanks for reading! 😁