I’m so excited to write this post!!! 😁 We had gone to someone’s house a few weeks back. They had a large plant that resembled a squash plant. I’m not a garden whiz yet so that is the best description that I can give.

We have had two mysterious plants pop up on our property. Here it is below.

There was another one behind our girl goats pen but when we let them out to graze, they trampled the poor plant.

Earlier today, Jacob informed me that the plant we saw at the other people’s house was a pumpkin plant! They had allowed a pumpkin to deteriorate into the ground. Now they have pumpkins. We might have pumpkins! Last year we bought pumpkins on sale and spread them around the yard for the chickens to eat! So it’s possible!

At first when we saw the plants we figured it might be from the neighbor’s house. He had his garden up and going way before we did!

Hopefully the plant closer to the house will survive, allowing us to see what it produces!!!!! Pumpkins would be AWESOME! Yes. I’m excited. 🤩

I did post a video the other day of all of our plants! Be sure to check it out! I’m trying to keep up with video updates. We have never planted so late in the year before. We also have never planted in a green house either. Pretty interesting if you ask me! 😊

We have had some problems with BB8, our goat buck. He had broken part of the fence to his pen a little while back. Jacob patched up the hole. Just recently, BB8 broke his door on the pen. He rams the fence sometimes, causing the posts to shift in the ground. When the posts shifted, the door frame did too. I can’t remember if I had posted about him breaking off the latch on the bottom of the door, but he did. That latch is waiting to be fixed. There is another latch on the top of the door which is fine.

I was opening the door to let him out. Since he had shifted the posts, the door was hard to open. The door is supposed to swing into the pen. Well, he didn’t want to wait. He rammed the door so it flung open the wrong way. He squeezed through, frolicking away with Yoshi and I’m left there with a door that will not close. JACOB! Something else needs to be fixed.

The boys’ schooling has been going well! They have already gone to school for 2 weeks and virtual learned for 1. Next week will be a virtual learning week. Their first virtual learning week, we couldn’t get their lap tops to work. They worked on paper packets instead. Hopefully next week the virtual learning will go smoothly! I looked at the lap tops today and seems like they know where to go and there’s a list of their classes with assignments.

This is all for this week! Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend! 😊