It’s been a fairly quiet week! That is always good!

I had let the animals out today and the boy goats kept making a beeline for the front yard. We live by a main road so we have to make sure the goats don’t stay off the road. They have in the passed cross the road. BB8 (our buck) almost got hit once.

I’m not sure what attracts them to the front. They had been doing really well in staying in the backyard but today was a different story! We did have a lot of rain in the afternoon so not sure if that had something to do with it.

We had been having problems getting the chicks AKA younger chickens up at night! However, I solved it by putting a little bit of scratch grain into the run. It has worked every night! It’s not fun chasing them around. I’m glad I figured out a way to get them in on their own free will.

Vegetable plants are still waiting to be planted.

Our new Brahma’s chicken coop has been measured out, materials bought. That will be up soon!

I did create a post on our congested chicken! You can check that out if you haven’t seen it.

That’s pretty much it for around the backyard! We did go out to eat tonight. The first time in a long time! Sections were blocked off for social distancing.

Thanks for reading!