Last week seemed like a good week! I wrote up the ‘Friday on the Backyard Farm’ with not too much going on. About two hours after posting, the chicken with the congestion was found dead.
I rolled back the security cameras to see what had happened. The hen was getting better so I was baffled to see her dead on the ground.

Another hen had picked a fight with her, knocking her on the ground and not allowing her to get up. She was killed by another hen. Isn’t that crazy!? It’s been on my to do list to type and vlog about hens picking on other hens. Many people think only roosters can be the mean ones. Well, there are mean hens as well! Hens can pick on other hens and even roosters, and they also can peck our legs.
A few days after that, we ended up with a hen hurting her leg. I don’t think it’s broken because I see her walk a little bit on it and then just not walk at all. I have her on the deck chilling, recuperating from the other chickens. I’m hoping she’ll be back to normal soon.
We are about to start making modifications to a lot of the coops in the backyard. I will keep yall posted on that. One is actually building a coop for our Brahmas.

In the future, I plan to breed the Brahmas and hatch the eggs. It’ll be interesting to see how that goes!
This brings me to the announcement that we have a hen sitting on eggs right now! I thought she had been killed by the fox last year but it looks like she wasn’t. Unless, the other chicken is now sitting on eggs. 🤔 We had an Egyptian and Buttercup hen. It’s hard to tell them apart! Before you could tell the difference between the combs, but the buttercup’s comb had deflated a little after hatching chicks in 2018.

I plan to start working on a video and post for the chicken with the congestion. I admit it, I had lost motivation to do the video or the post. Then became even more disheartened with another injured hen. Yes, it’s all a part of owning animals. There will be sickness, injuries, and death.
I will try to have that post and video up by next week!
Our vegetable plants are doing well. I have to keep up on the watering though! It has been so hot on days, so the green house is even hotter! As long as I water them at night, they are usually good through out the day until I water them again at night.
Thank you for reading! I hope you have a great day! 😊
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