Before I lose power, let me type up something quick! It’s been raining here off and on the last few days! We have lost power several times this week. I’m sure all the plants and trees love it though!

This week we discovered a chicken is making a coughing noise. It sounds like she has something going on with her upper respiratory, possibly an infection. I have ordered her medicine but it won’t get here until next week. It’s something I haven’t heard of but it supposedly works like vapor rub for a human. I’ll post more on that next week when we get the product. Hopefully, she will make it until then.

Another discovery we made was a HUGE vegetable plant behind the goat pen. It looks to be a squash plant of some sort.

Fingers crossed for zucchinni! I make some GREAT zucchinni muffins. The neighbor does have a vegetable garden that has been doing really well! I’m wondering if this seed for this plant had came from here. 🧐

That’s it for this week! Thank you for reading!