This week is the perfect reason why I decided to start up the “Friday on the Backyard Farm” series! Nothing major has been going on it’s just little things.
Last weekend our chicken had a swollen eye and wattles. We took her to a vet Monday to get an antibiotic shot. She is doing well actually!

Well, this weekend we ended up with a cat with a swollen foot/ankle! She loves to spend the night outdoors, so whatever happened it was at night time! She came in walking on three paws with a swollen foot/ankle. We kept an eye on it, made sure she was comfortable.

Thankfully, the swelling went down after two days and she was walking on it again. Then she decided to jump up on the sill of an open window. The back of our house is like a two story house.
When she jumped on the window sill, her fuzzy paws slid on the wood and out the window she went! I’m not going to lie, it was scary! I look out the window, she is sitting on the ground stupefied with the chickens squawking like crazy. Thankfully she is okay! Now I can laugh about it but at the time it was scary because she her foot was swollen.
We’ve transferred many plants into larger pots. These pots are biodegradable. This means we can plant them in the ground and the pots will decompose. Pretty cool!

We did lose a lot of plants. Some of them were onions and carrots. We will be trying these again! I also hope to get fruit trees and herbs planted in the green house.
The green house has been through three thunder storms, still doing well! No leaking in the inside.
We had a visitor come into our basement last night. The picture does not do the frog justice. The frog looks a lot bigger in person.

We opened the door, shooing the frog out.
The chicks have been adjusting nicely in the coop with the older chickens. They do have their own place to retreat to if needed.

We let them out daily to run around. Usually they stay close to the coop. They’ll run around for a while then disappear into the coop to take a nap.
Next week I will upload an update video on the chicks!
This is it for right now! Thanks for reading. Have a good day! 😊
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