Our green house was delayed by a couple of days, but we received it! It’s up, ready to go! We need to decide on how we want to set up the inside though.

Jacob caught a chicken the next day, sitting right on the plants we had put in there! 😱 Totally our fault as we left the door open. 🤪

Right now we only have a couple of tables.

I’m going to write up a post on putting the green house together. It was a little tricky. I think it took about 2 hours. I’m also working on a video as well that will be posted to youtube sometime.

The chicks have officially moved outside! Yay! The isabrown chicks we had were starting to make it a habit to jump out of the brooder, running around my office. They are already several weeks old, older than the other chicks. I had seen one of my had clipped wings so obviously they had been jumping out of their enclosure at the feed store. Naughty chick!

Check out our video below of the enclosure that Jacob made and us putting the chicks out there!

One of our pekin ducks acted sickly one evening. I did give her water with electrolytes, but next morning she was back to normal. I don’t know if it had something to do with the neighbor hiring someone to spray pesticide around his house. The timing just seems a little coincidental.

Other than those things, all has been quiet! I do have another recipe I’m working on and will get that posted next week!

Thanks for reading! 😊