Are you considering raising chicks but you’re curious to know how much it cost? Then you came to the right place. 🙂

When getting chicks expect there to be a minimum. Some places have a minimum of 4 and others a minimum of 6. With ducks, I have always seen a minimum of 2. The reason behind this is because chicks (and ducklings) are herd animals and like to be with other chicks. Not only do they give each other company, but they keep each other warm.

From my experience chicks are from $2 to $6 each.

Chicks need to go into an enclosure. We use a rubbermaid container, which cost $20. However, we can reuse the tub next season.

Shavings need to be placed into the container to keep chicks warm, catch poo. A bag cost about $6.

A heat lamp (or brooder lamp) is needed to give the chicks heat, keeping them cozy and warm. The lights are red because to prevent injury. If a chick gets injured or is showing pink/red, the other chicks will peck at it. There’s also talk that the red light is soothing. Estimation for the lamp and light bulbs: $17.

Chicks need a waterer and a food holder. You could probably use anything for the food holder, but its best to use a chick waterer for their water. If you use a bowl for water , the chick may fall in and drown. They have also been known to fall asleep, head falling into the water. The waterer and food holder come in two pieces. Each piece costing $4.

These hold food or water and has a base that connects to it. See below for the bases.
The Waterer Base
The Feeder Base
The container with a waterer and food base.

Chicks need starter food and when they get older they will need grit. The bag I have below is a 50lb pound. There are many other brands available, we have always gotten Dumor. Prices and sizes of bags very. We always get a lot of chicks so getting the bigger bag last longer for us. Food and Grit will be about $24.

All of this is just an estimation. Prices will vary depending on brand, sales, etc. We did get chicks half off before. Just happened to go to the store on the right day, right time!

GRAND TOTAL for 4 chicks at $2 each AND all the items needed for their brooder:


😱 It looks like a lot! Remember though you can re-use everything the next year. You can reduce the amount by purchasing a smaller container or using one from your home. The food dispenser can be replaced with a small dish. The waterer is a must have I think, unless you can provide something that will not tip over.

Check out our video on bringing home our 2019 chick batch!

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