There is nothing like a fresh picked vegetable from the backyard! There’s also nothing like planting seeds and watching them grow!! How exciting! Growing plants from seeds

The first step in planting seeds is choosing the plants! The one thing to keep in mind is that each type of plant has a certain time of when to be planted. This is not a problem! On the back of the seed pack, there will be information on when you should plant and how deep you should plant the seed.

The right picture shows information on the seed.

You will need little pots and trays. We like to use these ones below. These are actually ones we have used in the past. As long as they are in good shape we re-use them. 😀

Pick out good soil that is made to help seeds grow strong and healthy. We picked this seed starting mix.

We use a stock pot to mix the soil with a little water. Dampen the soil until it’s spongy.

Fill the pots up 2/3 of the way.

Place a few seeds of each plant into one of the sections of the container. By planting several seeds in one section, this will ensure you will get a plant or more in that section. Not all seeds make it. Depending on how many plants you want, be sure to plant more of the same seeds into other sections so you will have several plants of one type!

Cover the sides with a thin layer of dirt. Be sure to label what plants are in what section!

I re-used tags. Some I was able to use as is because I was planting the same thing as on the tag. Others I placed a label over it and wrote what seeds were planted.

Left is Re-Used and Right side I just placed a label over old tag.

Water the seeds. Put them in a quiet spot. Some of the pods come with lids. Since we don’t have lids, we draped a tarp around our seeds. Years before when doing seeds I placed them in my office. This year they are in the basement.

Depending on the plant it might take a couple of weeks or more for the seeds to grow.

We already have some plants popping up!

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