This is the first MAJOR injury with our goats. We were putting the animals up for the night. I saw our baby goat, Eggnog, standing to the side, real quiet. Usually he is prancing around, head butting, etc. It wasn’t like him at all! When I got close he started to hobble off. I could see his right hind leg swaying. Yes, swaying side to side! Anyone could tell right away it was broke.

We had done research that night on splinting a broke leg. However, we had concerns. Was the break clean? Was the leg still aligned? Would there be infection? All the bad things were coming up, but they are all legit concerns!

We decided to take the goat to the vet the next day. Our other problem was the local vet DOESN’T see goats! Which is crazy since we live out in a rural area where there are horses, cattle, etc.

When we had a duck that with an eye injury, I went to my favorite store (Tractor Supply) to get ointment. A staff member said during that time if ever need be just take the animal to the vet. Don’t call, just show up with the animal. We did just that!

Everyone in the office loved Eggnog. Who wouldn’t!? He is so cute!

Eggnog ended up getting sedated, X-rayed, and had a splint put on. The vet office doesn’t keep cast materials so they created a splint for him. It’s kind of like a wax material. If it gets wet then the material will dissolve and could potentially lead infection.

Thankfully the fracture was a clean break. The total visit was about $200. This included everything! We just took him back for his one week check up and that was free of charge (thankfully!).

We have been keeping him penned up with his mom. We have to make sure the splint stays dry and keep him confined to ensure he doesn’t get hurt again.

Eggnog also has castration looming around the corner. He’s supposed to get castrated in the beginning of January which is this week! We are going to wait until he goes to the vet next week to see if we can go ahead and castrate him. Just haven’t done it yet since he’s still healing.

I have the videos posted below!

This is the first video. You can actually see his leg swaying a bit by the joint. Yuck!
Eggnog’s 1 week check up.