Recently we lost our rooster, Speckles. I’m not sure what caused his passing…if it was one or mulitple things. Towards the end of his life we wondered if he had sour crop.

Real quick on what is sour crop. Sour crop happens when a chicken’s food doesn’t get digested. During the day, when chickens eat, the crop fills up. Over night, the food in the crop gets digested and the crop will be empty the next day. If the crop doesn’t empty like it’s supposed to then the food will ferment inside the crop…making the chicken ill.

One of the remedies I found for sour crop was garlic water. However, no one gave a recipe for it. There was no garlic to water ratio. It took me a while to find it, but here it is!

1 garlic clove per 1 quart of water.

The garlic clove needs to be crushed. The best way to achieve this is to put it in the blender or grinder.

I took my quart of water and put some of it into the grinder to get the garlic unstuck from the sides. I then dumped it into a separate container, added the rest of the water and ta da! Garlic Water.