I wasn’t sure if I wanted to write this up. On one hand I’m thinking let bygones be bygones, but on the other hand maybe this will bring awareness to someone that runs a rescue?

Everything below is my opinion. I think anyone or organizations that take in animals, healing them and making sure they get great homes, are awesome. 🙂

I just wrote about adopting a cat from a shelter. I left out the part during our searches of shelters we stopped by a cat rescue. What’s the difference between a rescue and a shelter? Basically a shelter takes in all sorts of pets while a rescue will take in only either one type of animal or certain breed.

We have looked at rescues in the past for a Pyrenees and I will admit Poodles, too. I grew up with Poodles and hope to have one again some day. That’s a story for another day so lets get back on topic. After looking over Rescue groups and what they want, I have come to the conclusion that they are very strict. They want house visitations, can’t have big dogs with little kids, can’t use Pyrenees as a working livestock dog, have to have a fenced in back yard, etc.

During our visits with the shelters, we ended up going to a cat rescue. I was iffy on going to the rescue because they can be strict but there we were.

We went into a small building. It had a room with a desk, filing cabinet, and other things, then into another closed off larger room. There was a cat door that allowed the cats to go out into a sunroom.

The room was lined with cat cages. There were cats all over the place (of course). We met the lady that owned it. She had mentioned she made the people before us mad because she refused to give them a cat to people that owned a pitt bull.

This was kind of red flag since we have Jedi. We told her that we were looking for cat or kitten. We also brought up our husky mix. She didn’t seem too thrilled about that but still seemed nice. We told her that we adopted him from an animal shelter and he passed the cat test. Plus we have had cats before and after he came into the picture. We’ve never had a problem.

She tells us to look around, get acquainted with the cats. She did tell us that all the cats that come to the rescue are ill. They are treated and then adopted out.

After being there a while we had asked about a young and older kitten. She said the younger kitten was spoken for. We asked about the bengal cat that kept rubbing up against my leg, letting us pet her. We were told bengal cats don’t get along with other cats. But here we are standing in a room full of cats and on one is fighting. Everyone is chilled.

She then brought up she had two orange kittens back at her house that were ready to be adopted. They only needed to be fixed first. She gave us the adoption application and told us to come back next weekend.

We didn’t leave our number and we didn’t call. We didn’t think it would be an issue. The next weekend we showed up and there were no orange kittens. She said that they had a respiratory illness and had to be treated for that before getting fixed. She pulled out her phone and said she had a couple of pictures. One was of the cat’s back and the other you couldn’t even make out the cat.

After that encounter I kind of knew where this was headed. No where. The boys were disappointed and so were the parents. She said that she would call in a week to let us know when the cats would be ready.

The next weekend rolled up. I called her to see if the cats were ready. She sounded annoyed. I had missed her call by a few minutes. She said they weren’t ready yet and would let us know when they were.

Guess what? She never called back. I never called back either. We ended up adopting a kitten we had seen at an animal shelter (along with another cat).

I’m sure other people have had wonderful experiences from adopting from a rescue. I thought I’d share my story. I felt as though the lady maybe didn’t want to adopt to us because of Jedi? The whole circumstance seemed odd. Maybe she didn’t want to tell us no?

I don’t know what the issue was. If you run an animal rescue or have had an experience you can always comment below!