If you have been following our youtube channel you will have seen that we have had some snake encounters!

The two types of snakes we have seen are the copperheads and black snakes. Since we’ve had these snakes in the backyard I have done research on them. It’s pretty interesting!

Black snakes are well black. These snakes eat rodents, little birds (I’m sure chicks 😒), lizards, and other small animals. They will even eat other snakes. Seems like if you want a snake in your yard then the black snake is the one since they are non-venomous.

Copperheads are light brown with darker brown “hour glasses” going down it’s back. I think a lot of people mistake copperheads and the corn snake. To me the corn snake has brown patches going down it’s body. These snakes eat the same as the black snake but they are VENOMOUS!

We just encountered a copperhead last night while putting the animals up. It was slithering along the side of the house and when we spotted it, it coiled up in defense mode with its head up.

I’m not sure if this was the same copperhead we have seen before. One time we saw a copperhead while making s’mores. See the copperhead in the video below.

Then another copperhead had been found nestled under a folded up canopy.

We caught the black snake slithering along under our deck. Later on, we found a dead black snake. I don’t know if this was the same snake or not. The snake tried to push it’s way through chicken wire, getting itself caught and ultimately dying. I posted the video of the snake stuck below for you to see.

We have never been bitten but try to be careful when in the yard.

Often snakes like to hide under items, but we have seen them out in the open just slithering along. We had gone hiking years ago and I remember seeing a snake just lying in the middle of the trail. I can’t tell you what type it was…but it was chilling right there in the middle of the path!

Always be careful when outside and attentive. If you get bit by a snake then be sure to go to the Emergency Department to be checked out. It’s hard to keep track of all the animals…especially goats and chickens since we can’t watch them 24/7 outside and they often love to wander into the brush.

A couple of years back we had spotted a copperhead and the chickens saw it too. The chickens started pecking at it! None of the chickens had gotten bit. I think chickens are usually pretty good with reflexes. I think having the chickens free range during the day helps deter the snakes to stay away.

Have you seen any snakes in your backyard!?