I have too many emotions going on! I’m relieved, excited, exhausted, and anxious! How can someone have all these feelings at the same exact time!? The answer is simple: your goat just gave birth!

I knew our goat, Hazel’s due date would land either in June or July. It happened in the early morning of June 25!

The day before Jacob heard Hazel screaming in the pen. Ended up she had a light red, water filled sac hanging out. Instead of the zombies are coming, it was the babies are coming!! The sac hung out for a while. Then it deflated. Nothing happened. Hours passed, still no baby.

We haven’t owned goats for long. Hazel had given birth last year with no problems. Ava had given birth in January without us even knowing! We are still learning the process of it all. Even after reading tons of blogs and posts from other people, we still feel in the dark with the goats giving birth part.

With the sac deflated, no babies, and more hours had passed, we were getting concerned. Other posts, blogs, youtube, etc. had it where the mom had the sac hanging out and the baby came trailing right behind. Not the case with Hazel.

About three hours later another small sac, about the size of a golf ball appeared. Then nothing. However, Hazel was walking around a little. I gave her some grain, made sure she had water.

Hours after the small golf ball sac appeared, still nothing happened. Hazel didn’t look distressed or sickly. She walked around the pen a little. We were still scared of what might be happening. The baby could be breeched or in some other crazy position. She might not be dilated enough. The different scenarios were playing around my head, but we waited and didn’t intervene.

I couldn’t go to sleep the night before. I checked up on her a couple of times by the security camera. She stayed in the same spot for a long time, sometimes moving to a different spot. Finally, I went to sleep.

A little before 3:30AM I heard her scream. I got up, checked the security camera and it looked like she was sniffing something on the ground. I got dressed, made the decision in my mind that I would try to assist in the birth if need be. I didn’t want to lose Hazel if I could help it. If it failed then it would be an emergency vet visit.

I got the flash light, headed out. Thankfully I saw Hazel cleaning off a little white baby goat. She wouldn’t need my assistance after all. Praise the Lord! I went back in to get water for her, when I brought it out to my surprise there had been a second baby: a brown and white one. This one had already been cleaned, the fur beginning to dry. Obviously this one had been born first!

Then the third baby came! An all brown one with a little patch of white on the head. I actually filmed it! It happened fairly quick. The video is posted below. It is graphic, but it’s part of life.

Today the babies are still doing good! I’ll keep yall updated! 🙂