I wanted to write about our pyrenees puppy, Hercules. We brought him home in August. Our little ball of fluff is now a HUGE ball of fluff! He’s 9 months old and already a little bigger than our 6 year old husky mix, Jedi. Yikes! He wouldn’t even fit his christmas sweater. 🙁

The reason we purchased Hercules was for the protection of our chickens, ducks, and goats. In the past we have had a lot of problems with foxes, raccoons, and dogs coming onto the property killing our animals.

Before we got Hercules we had decided that we were going to a wireless electric fence to keep Hercules in the yard. We are working on our electric fence project right now! If you had seen our first video of Hercules, I had mentioned we were using Pet Safe Wireless Electric fence. Well, that’s not happening! We have a little over an acre to cover. In order to cover that much area we have to use two Pet Safe Wireless transmitters. No problem, right? Wrong! One transmitter has to be in the house and the second has to be kept in a place that doesn’t go below freezing. We ended up having to scrap that idea. We have no place to put the second transmitter that wouldn’t go below freezing.

Switching gears slightly, we are going to use a product called Extreme Dog Fence. With this product, you have to build a small trench in the ground and stuff the wire in it. We have been working on this a little every day. We have a little over an acre to cover. I feel for the people that have much larger properties! We invested in an electric hedger which is helping the process go faster.

Once we have the electric fence up, we will be able to let Hercules roam the property. Until the fence is installed, we have been putting Hercules on a lead. He had gotten into a bad habit of running down the street. It’s not all his fault. There are two dogs that belong to a neighbor down the street that keeps coming into our yard. Usually it’s once a month but at times it has been about every week they appear. Very annoying when you have chickens and goats grazing in the back yard. I don’t want any animals to be harmed.

Hopefully we will have the fence installed soon! I will post a video when it’s finished.