Our goat’s milk tastes goaty.  It’s not a strong flavor but it’s still noticeable.  😛 I read that others who have goats have a rich, yummy taste but once in a while there will be the goat that has the goat taste.  My goat, Hazelnut, is that goat.  I remember taking the first sip.  I finished milking Hazelnut, took the milk inside.  Excitedly, I ran the milk through the filter, watching the milk drain into the jar.  I poured my first glass of goat milk.  Despite the goat hair that had gotten through the mesh filter, the milk didn’t taste great.  I thought maybe I had to get it chilled first.  For a few days I rushed the filtered milk to the freezer, allowing it to sit for about 20 minutes, then moved it to the fridge.  Yeah, that didn’t work.  Hazelnut’s milk was disappointing.

However, I am determined to have this family drink goat milk, enjoy it, and get the benefits from it.  Goat milk is great for the digestive system, it’s supposed to be easier on our body than cow milk.  This milk is also free from chemicals, has all the good bacteria while milk that goes through pasteurization has them destroyed.  There are many other benefits to drinking raw goat milk.  One of my biggest hopes for goat milk is making eggnog since we get eggs daily.

Even though the milk is goaty tasting, I came up with a pretty tasty eggnog.

  • 4 Cups Goat Milk
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
  • 1 Teaspoon Nutmeg
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Ginger
  • 1/4 Cup Sugar
  • 4 Egg Yolks

Separate the yolks from the whites.  Mix the yolks and everything else in the blender and blend together.  Ta-da!  We have eggnog.

**I like to feed my chickens the whites so it doesn’t go to waste.**

If you would like thicker eggnog, put in 2 bananas and only half of the 1/4 Cup Sugar.

Want it to be even healthier!?  Throw in a handful of raw spinach or kale.  Yum!

Comment below!  Let me know if you try this recipe and what you think.  Also, if you tried any other eggnog recipes.