Need a simple, tasty side dish?  I love making this, especially during the summer.  The recipe only has 4 ingredients.  Besides being super simple to make,  my kids love it!  This is perfect for making at home or taking to a pot luck/cook out.  After making the recipe, you can either eat it right away or put it into the fridge to chill.

4 Cups Cooked Pasta Shells

4 Cups Peeled Cucumber, slice the cucumber and cut slices up into quarters (Picture below 🙂 )

1 1/2 Cups Italian Dressing

1/2 Cup Shredded Cheese

This makes a big batch, but you can make it smaller by halving everything.  This is enough for my family of four to last two or three meals as a side dish.  You can also add chopped cooked chicken as well.  Enjoy!