Surprise, surprise!  Our goat, Hazelnut, just had two cute babies this afternoon!  We knew that she was pregnant but not quite sure when to expect the new goats.  The first baby was the smallest and didn’t have any problems standing. The second baby on the other hand is a little bigger and took more time in standing up.  At first I was worried that the larger baby might die but so far the baby has been trying to get around.  After taking video, making sure the babies and mom were okay, I had to watch videos of other baby goats.  Everything is normal so far!  We are first timers with a doe giving birth!  As always I will keep ya’ll updated. 🙂  The video is below.

UPDATE: Today (which is the morning after the babies were born) both babies died.  🙁  It rained last night and early this morning.  I had checked on them at  midnight.  One of the babies was outside, so I put that one in the goat house.  I checked again at 5:30 AM and all was okay.  They were still in the goat house, warm, and dry.  9AM I checked on them again and they were sprawled out, both lethargic.  We brought them in, trying to revive them but were unsuccessful. We don’t know what happened, they seemed to be normal after birth and we did see them drink from the mom.  Mom is doing good.  I will keep ya’ll updated.